The League Needs You!
From the beginning, League of the Lexicon has worked with linguists, lexicographers and word-lovers around the world to help make the game. It's what makes it unique. As we develop expansion packs, and even start work on a book, we want to grow our network of collaborators and contributors into a bona fide brain trust.
If you have a thing for rare words, exotic idioms and saucy slang... if obscure etymology is your gig... or if you care where language comes from, we'd like to hear from you. We are particularly keen to find non-English speakers to enrich the international flavour of our work.
At this stage, we are only asking for people to signal their interest. There'll be no pestering emails and nobody will be 'selling' anything. As a brain trust member, we'll simply let you know what we're working on and provide an easy way to contribute ideas and questions. Above all, registering an interest doesn't commit you to anything. But if it sounds interesting and you want to see what it's about, fill in the form.
Question writers FAQs
What format should questions be?
Multiple choice, with four options. Answers should be full and enlightening, not merely stating what the right answer is.
Is there a word limit?
Questions, and multiple choice answers, cannot exceed ten words; and answers on reverse no more than 35 words. Yes, it's tight - but these are strict limits.
How difficult should questions be?
League of the Lexicon strives to be challenging but fun.
Questions can be difficult, but they must be interesting. We avoid obscure, esoteric or highly technical questions; players must feel they have a chamce if they're to enjoy playing.
The ideal question makes players think: "Oooh - that's interesting!"
How many questions can I submit?
As many as you wish! Although please note that submission is no guarantee of inclusion. It might be best to submit one or two first to ensure your approach is working.
Who decides what is included?
League of the Lexicon has an editorial group that meets to review all question submissions.
Do I get paid for submitting questions?
Having a question featured in a published boardgame is, we hope, it's own reward. Which is a long way of saying, 'no'. We do, however, offer particularly industrious contributors a copy of the game when it is released.
Do you credit contributors in the game?
We will be crediting all question contributors within the published game as well as on this page.
Why are you doing this?
Inviting lexicographers, linguists and word-lovers to contribute questions to the game has added something wholly unique and really rather exciting to League of the Lexicon.
To everyone who contributed to League of the Lexicon, THANK YOU.
MICHAEL ADAMS(In Praise of Profanity)
DAVID ADGER(Language Unlimited)
SIMON AGER (Omniglot)
MARC ALEXANDER (Historical Thesaurus of English)
EMMA BACHE (Reading Between the Lines)
LAURA BAILEY (Order and structure in syntax)
PAUL BAKER (Fabulosa)
DANNY BATE (University of Edinburgh)
VICTOR BENNETT (Idiom Origins)
BARD BORCH (Signs of Civilisation)
EMILY BREWSTER(Merriam-Webster)
JEREMY BUTTERFIELD (Fowler’s Dictionary)
EMMA BYRNE(Swearing is Good for You)
CLAIRE COCK-STARKEY(The Real McCoy & 149 Other Eponyms)
PATRICK FOOTE(Origin of Names, Words & Everything in Between)
ANU GARG (Wordsmith.org)
COULTER GEORGE (How Dead Languages Work)
MICHAEL GORDIN(Scientific Babel)
JONATHON GREEN (Green's Dictionary of Slang)
NEVILE GWYNNE (Gwynne's Grammar)
ORIN HARGREAVES(It’s Been Said Before)
TREVOR HARLEY(Talking the Talk)
HENRY HITCHINGS(The Language Wars)
NICOLE HOLLIDAY(Spectacular Vernacular)
SIMON HOROBIN(How English Became English)
ALEX JOHNSON (Improbable Libraries)
DAN MCINTYRE (Babel Magazine)
DANIEL MIDGLEY (Because Language)
STEVE MOCKUS (A Pocket Dictonary of the Vulgar Tongue)
LYNNE MURPHY (The Prodigal Tongue)
DANIEL NEWMAN (A-Z of Arabic-English Translation)
DAVID PETERSON (The Art of Language Invention)
KATHY & ROSS PETRAS (That Doesn’t Mean What You Think it Means) MICHAEL ROSEN (Former Children's Laureate)
MARK ROSENFELDER (The Conlanger Lexipedia)
SADIE RYAN (Accentricity)
BEN SCHOTT (Schott's Miscellany)
JANE SETTER (Your Voice Speaks Volumes)
JOHN SIMPSON (Dictionary of Modern Slang )
KORY STAMPER(Word by Word)
CAROLINE TAGGART (500 Words You Should Know)
LYNNE TRUSS (Eats, Shoots & Leaves)
HANA VIDEEN (The Wordhord)
JOHN WORNE (Chartered Institute of Linguistics)
KATIE WALES (A Dictionary of Stylistics)
PIP WILLIAMS (The Dictionary of Lost Words)
ROLF WIMAR (Silly Linguistics)
JOHN WORNE(Chartered Institute of Linguistics)
GABRIEL WYNER(Fluent Forever)
CHRISTOPHER WINN (Great British Street Names)
JESS ZEFARRIS (Once Upon A Word)
All contributions are made in a personal capacity and do not
suggest endorsement from any institution, publication or company.